31 July - 4 August 2014
Day 14
I wanted to book a ticket for the train on the net because I couldn't afford to miss it but the ticket app helpfully informed me that the Kendal station doesn't have a ticket machine so you can't pick it up there. Useless!
It turned out ok though because I could buy one on the train. The second train I had to catch was late so when I finally got to Lockerbie, I missed the connecting bus. To kill some time I sat in a pub and did some work. The next bus was on time and dropped me right outside my hotel,
The Bonnington, in Moffat but I didn't see it so I walked around half the town, which isn't very far, looking lost until I finally found it.
I went out for dinner with another cousin of mine that was also attending the wedding. I didn't order the haggis for the wedding meal (i guess because I was scared) so I thought I should harden up and give it a go here. We went to the
Famous Star Hotel for dinner, which is apparently the narrowest pub in the world and it was small but didn't seem that small. I did order the haggis and I really enjoyed it.
The haggis with neeps and tatties |
The first mouthful to capture the face of trying haggis |
Day 15
Big breakfast
Staying in hostels, I'd gotten used to plain/boring breakfasts but this was a hotel and hotels make awesome breakfasts like this.
beans, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, black pudding, potato cake, (square) sausage and toast |
A small group of family and partners went out for coffee this morning. We went to a store that was a 50's themed coffee shop AND an antique store so there was a lot of weird stuff in there. We had a good chat until it was time for the couple to head off to get ready for the wedding.
A few of us stopped at the main attraction in town, the ram, for a group selfie.
Group selfie with the ram |
The wedding was at Auchen Castle, just outside of Moffat and the people staying in Moffat were lucky enough to be chauffeured to the castle. The drive there was pleasant and I think every person who saw us drive by stopped and stared.
This car...no, LIMO! This was taken at the castle btw |
Inside the limo enjoying wine |
We started off in the front bar where we were given the agenda...
Agenda for the night |
Then there was the ceremony.
Placing rings on fingers |
There was a bit of excitement when an owl flew in to deliver the rings. I didn't get a photo of the owl doing its thing because I was too slow but here's one I stole this from someone else (the photo, not the owl).
An owl that delivers rings |
We then had some photos before going inside for some food. We each had our own menu so we could remember what we ordered.
My place card and menu |
You can see I didn't order the haggis so I'm glad I tried it before. All the food served was amazing though so the beef was still a great choice.
There were then some speeches following by the cutting of the cake.
Cutting the cake with a sword |
We were given a shot of what I was told was geneva, complete with gold flakes, and we headed outside.
Gold flaked geneva shot |
Outside we were treated to a great firework display!
Fireworks! |
The wedding was amazing. I spoke to lots of interesting people, had some great food, saw some fireworks and most importantly, got to see my cousin get married :D The castle was a really nice place to have the wedding and you know it was fancy because the toilet has shoe shine strips.
Shoe shine strips |
Day 16
I went for a walk today because there are a few walking trails around Moffat. I chose one that looked easy enough but when it took me right into a farmer's property I was thinking I was lost. I took a different way further up the hill and stopped for some photos.
Looking out over Moffat |
It turns out Scotland has no trespass laws so you can walk where you like including right through a farmer's property. I ended up following the path into the property but it started to rain and the cows seemed really interested in my red raincoat so I decided to get out and head back to the hostel before it really started to rain heavily and the cows tried to eat me or whatever they do to red things.
In the evening I caught up with the newly married couple for dinner. I promise I wasn't gate crashing their honeymoon, at least I hope not. We went to an Indian place where I ordered something labelled as Masala/Vindaloo that tasted great but had a lot of heat to it so the three of us were certainly showing signs of the spice.
After dinner we went to a few pubs for some drinks and in one ended up talking to a local who'd had quite a few already. I didn't get everything he said but I still feel like we had a good talk.
Day 17
Walking again
Today I headed down toward the starting point for the walking trails. I stopped at the supermarket to get lunch. I tried a scotch egg, which I'd seen in a lot of supermarkets in the UK.
Scotch egg. It tastes really good |
And also had an IRN BRU. Apparently the favourite (non-alcoholic) drink of Scotland. It tastes like creaming soda.
Do you even drink bru? |
I walked through the local park.
The park |
Any good with anagrams? |
Then I was off on the waterside walking trail that followed the river around the town. It was a flat trail but still had some nice scenery near the end.
Furthest point of the waterside trail before joining the road back to town |
Day 18
Off to Mabie
Today I jumped on the bus to Dumfries on my way to Mabie Forest.
Thoughts on Moffat
- It's a small country town.
- It was a nice place to stay because it was close to the wedding but I wouldn't come back because there's not a lot there.
- The locals all seemed friendly.
- It rained for at least part of every day.
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